The seasons

We are 60 people living together in a beautiful old plant nursery in the middle of Denmark. We live in four big buildings surrounded by a very well kept and beautiful garden with a swimmingpool.

We have a big piece of land with a bee yard and 2 horses, a big music room, many creative workshops and a big activity and meditation hall.

We all come here with very different backgrounds. What brings us together is our common choice of making the inner work the most important in our lives.
We call our place Solens Hjerte - A Therapeutic and Spiritual Community - and besides from being a private home for all of us who live here permanently, it is a center for personal and spiritual growth which is open for visitors.

We believe mankind evolves through a conscious awakening of each individual. True evolution will not happen through prohibition, punishment and struggle, but through developing our love, acceptance and compassion. We work for that more and more people consciously take responsibility for their own lives and feelings. We see planet Earth at a turning point, where humanity is now waking up to realise our true potential and responsibility as creative beings. We all have the choice, of what we want to focus on, and thereby what we create.

Do we want to make planet Earth uninhabitable for ourselves by going on denying our true nature and our responsibility and let things slide ? Or do we want to create heaven on Earth, on the inner as well as on the outer levels ? It is our choice.

Our home is big and we are many people living here. We always have a lot of work to do with daily activities, and we are constantly restoring and reconstructing our surroundings. We take care of our children to give them a loving and supporting upbringing and schooling.

We find it important to keep our home nice and clean. By keeping our surroundings light, clean and well kept, we enhance the process of cleaning and refining our own energy.

We use our work as a meditation. We see the daily work as nothing more than a tool to gain greater awareness of who we are. Whether we are cooking, cleaning the toilets, working in the garden, authoring a home page, or paying the bills, we see the work as an invitation to be present here and now, instead of letting ourselves be caught up in our minds endless milling around about past and future.

Working together in a team will inevitably bring up emotional issues, and can result in conflicts. This process is also taken as an opportunity of sheding light on our patterns and resolving the issues in an accepting and loving way.
Humor, laughter and lightness are central and very vital aspects of the way we interact and live together. Letting go is fun and optimistic, there is a great relief in being able to laugh at yourself and your patterns.

Another part of the work is the inner work. By bringing love and acceptance into all aspects of our internal life we open our hearts and minds to our inner boundless and infinite nature. We strive to be more and more true to ourselves. Keeping our feet on the ground, we stretch our arms towards the sky, towards the light. By letting go of restricting and limiting thought patterns and ideas, we open up for a life in freedom. True freedom is an inner state of being.

We use different kinds of therapeutic and spiritual techniques and methods, which help us to let go of old emotional constraints, and to become more open, aware and present. Most of the work we do is bodyoriented. The emotions reside in our bodies, and by using the body by breathing, dancing, laughing, running, doing voicework etc. we access the bank of emotional memories, we all carry inside of us. By bringing light to old emotional issues, and releasing them in a positive, caring and accepting environment, we change the fundamental patterns of our life.

Basically, we believe, the world is what we think it is. Now, when we are not able to think positive, loving and prospering thoughts all the time and thereby create these qualities in our lives, it is due to our emotional experiences and conditioning. Here in a safe and caring environment, you can allow yourself to look at your emotions and give them a more positive release, than you allowed yourself as a child.

The structure in our place is designed to bring up old emotions from the childhood. By living and staying here, we make the same projections on the people here, as we did on our parents, siblings, friends, and teachers etc, as kids. Now we can look at it, and see how it has been ruling our life, and let go of it, realising that now as grown ups, we do no longer need these emotional patterns to protect us.

We believe we are all fundamentally free creative beings. In our core we are nothing but light, love and compassion. When it occurs, that we are not allowing these qualities to shine through us, it is in order to protect us. Or rather to protect the little child, we all carry inside of us from being hurt. The child has often experienced rejection, when it showed its true nature, it may have been ridiculed, or abandonded, laughed at or the like. Ever since, we have carried that memory in us often allowing it to control our lives. An important part of the work we do here, is to free our inner children by learning to deal with our emotions in an adult, responsible and caring way, allowing the inner child to feel safe, and to live our lives in light, love and compassion.
Letting go of old emotional patterns and constraints is not an easy task. If it was, we would all have done it a long time ago. It requires courage, decisiveness and tons of sweat and tears. But liberation is possible and within reach for all of us.


© Solens Hjerte, Planteskolevej 51, 5250 Odense SV - Tlf 6596 3465